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whenever i start a room, its just black.. nothing else, just the room. is this normal or a glitch? i cant seem to fix it

Hi there!

This is not normal and its the first time I have heard of this. May I ask what platform do you play on (windows/mac/linux) and if you played the downloaded version or browser version? The browser version was put together very late and on a bit of a whim so it has not been extensively tested beyond my own devices, and webGL can be quite funky. 😅

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crys violently


This was great! I really enjoyed some of the more subtle moments of environmental storytelling, like how the sister's bed was the only one with dust, or how the baby's things seemed like they had never been used. Lovely game.

the best cleaning game I've ever played

(1 edit)

Darn! I'd love to play this but I'm also having an issue where it opens discord, did anyone solve this?

Thank you for reminding me about this! I got distracted and busy with other projects that I completely forgot to get back to this! I have now uploaded a new version that should not interact with discord at all anymore. Thank you! ^^


Dude! Thank you so much! It launches fine now.  You were so quick on the reply! <3

Ofcourse! And thank you for the nice review, it really made us happy! <3

You're very welcome! It was deserved!!


game refused to open, kept trying to open discord instead, very confused

That is definitely odd! The game does use Discord Rich Presence but this is completely new to us. Gonna try and find time to make a version without Discord Rich Presence in hopes that might change something. Thanks for reporting!

If you download it again now it shouldn't interact with discord anymore. Sorry it took so long! Hope you are willing to give it a try still! ^^


This was an enjoyable game and I look forward to seeing where it goes

Sweet now I don't need to clean IRL! =) 
Nice game, very meditative (and Damnit what's the last 2% in the cleaning!!?! got 98% done!)

Got some pretty hidden things! DM me if you want the spoiler 😉